F Valpak.com Shopper & Coupon Blog: 10 Ways to Save $500 or More

Valpak.com Shopper & Coupon Blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

10 Ways to Save $500 or More

Following any one of the tips listed below can save you as much as $500 per year. Some of them can save you more. If you do all 10, you'll save at least $5,000 a year. With the way expenses are on the rise everyday, it doesn’t hurt to try and save a little here and there, especially if it can make a difference in your bank account.

10 suggestions for painless frugality
1. Drive less - With gas prices averaging around $3 per gallon, you don't have to cut back on much mileage to save $500 in a year. You'll save that much in gas alone if you drive a car that gets 15 miles per gallon just 50 fewer miles per week.
2. Bring your own stimulant - Stop buying coffee at the chichi coffee joint down the street from work. Bringing coffee from home in a thermos or brewing it in the break room will actually improve the quality of your morning shot of energy, as well as cut its cost dramatically.
3. Conserve energy - Turn off the TV when you leave the room. Using less energy is a painless way to save. Heat and air conditioning are the largest home-energy hogs
4. Dig gardening - Not only does gardening burn lots of calories, but a nice yard adds value to the house. If you do it all yourself, it's pure profit.
5. Go small or pet-free - The difference between a large dog and a small one is $720 per year -– and that's a lot of kibble.
6. Don't flush money down the commode - No-name-brand toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, paper cups, plastic wrap, plastic bags, etc., are all available at half the price of similar name-brand products when you buy them in bulk.
7. Limit media - Look hard at what you are spending for television, phone and Internet. If you are like the rest of us, cutting $50 a month out of this category is a slam dunk
8. Sign up for tax-advantaged plans at work - The possibilities include education, health, transportation and child-care savings accounts.
9. Eat in - Replace one $20 trip per week to McDonald's with a large $7 carryout pizza from any of the billions of cheap pizza places in every city.
10. Don't bank on it - The real savings can be had by avoiding credit-card debt and paying off what you've accumulated as quickly as possible.

To read more visit 10 Ways to Save $500 or More


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